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Tackling slugs and snails

Public enemy number one in the garden needs no introduction. There can be few pests hated as heartily as slugs and snails: anyone who's found Hostas eaten to lacy doilies, or lettuces munched to a stump will know the heartbreak these slimy menaces cause.

We've got an armoury of weapons you can use against them available in our garden centre. Use a combination of barriers, baits and traps to keep your plants slug-free.

Barriers are laid thickly around individual plants or beds. Copper rings give slugs a small electric shock, and a thick layer of grit is really hard for slugs and snails to slime across - they hate added garlic even more. Top grit barriers up regularly to keep them effective.

Trap slugs using milk or beer in a purpose-built slug trap available in our garden centre. Place the trap near the plants you want to protect: slugs are irresistibly drawn to the liquid, fall in and drown.

Slug pellets are also available, now as wildlife-friendly ferrous phosphate - scatter sparingly and water in to make them more effective. Replenish regularly to keep your plants well protected.

Please ask the staff in our garden centre in for more information and advice about slug deterrents suitable for your garden.

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